Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II
It All Ends Here

From the get-go of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, the tagline is emphasized: It All Ends Here.

Based on the seven best-selling novels and a universe created by world-renowned author, J.K. Rowling, the Harry Potter series follow the story of ‘The Boy Who Lived’ and his introduction into the world of witchcraft and wizardry. The sole survivor of an attack by Lord Voldemort (referred to as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in reverence and You-Know-Who by those who fear him most,) Harry Potter made a name for himself from a young age. The Deathly Hallows films bring us the summation of the seven novels and a film legacy 10 years in the making. The universal themes of love, family, friendship, and innocence, are just part of the multitude that the film touches on, indefinitely and inseparably uniting a universal audience with the flick of the wrist, and a wave of the wand. The recurring battle between the forces of good and evil is embodied by the leading men of the opposing armies, Lord Voldemort, leading an army of Death Eaters and Harry, leading Dumbledore’s army and the Order of the Phoenix, an army clad with classmates, friends old and new, and his family into the Wizarding War and the Battle at Hogwarts.

The second installment of Deathly Hallows leaves no stone unturned, and provides the opportunity for the true colours of each and every character- without exception- to shine through. From personal and professional points of view, this film meets every expectation and goes beyond them.

Coming from an avid Potter fan and avid movie-goer, with a strong aversion towards 3D films, if you’re NOT watching this film in an IMAX theatre, IN 3D, with the brilliance of surround sound and the company of an audience whose excitement and enthusiasm equates or surpasses your own, you’re missing out on a literally magical experience.

This long-awaited conclusion of the Harry Potter saga hits theaters on July 15th, 2011.

Categories: Review, Social, Thoughts, Twitter

Chuck Palahniuk’s ‘Fight Club’

March 17, 2011 1 comment

Rules were meant to be broken- and I’m breaking the first rule.

One of the many books on my Now Reading list was the cleverly written Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk.
Having had the opportunity to watch the movie multiple times, I strongly decided against it, promising myself I’d read the book first before risking the “magic” to a Hollywood production (as had happened before with multiple books-turned-into-movies).
Before getting into MY personal view on the book however, I’d love to hear what YOU guys have to say about it. I figure that the movie (which I – sadly- have not had the opportunity to watch since I finished the book) shares the same theme as the book and stays true to it. With that being said, if you haven’t read the book and have only watched the film, or the other way ’round (or you’ve only heard of either) TELL US ABOUT IT!

The discussion starts here!


The Haiku Project!

January 31, 2011 1 comment

Throughout the month of February, I will be using the social networking site, Twitter, to run what I’d like to call:
The Haiku Project

The idea to do so stemmed from a recent conversation with a close friend of mine, about the beauty in the simplicity of haikus. Originally a Japanese form of poetry, haikus have become a popular artform here in the “Western” world, as well as all over the globe.

Your haiku can be about anything at all: politics, art, nature, movies, music, you name it! The best haikus will be handpicked (by myself and a team of writers, poets, and songwriters) and used to create something great at the end of the month.

Writing a haiku is simple, and most often consists of three lines.
The first line, contains 5 syllables.
The second line, contains 7 syllables.
The third line, contains 5 syllables.

Here’s an example:

This is a haiku/ it’s very easy to do/ you should write one, too!

[ This(1) is(2) a(3) hai(4)ku(5)- It’s(1) ve(2)ry(3) ea(4)sy(5) to(6) do(7)- You(1) should(2) write(3) one(4) too(5)! ]

To submit your haikus, use the hashtag: #TheHaikuProject, and don’t hesitate to reach me if you have any questions or concerns, via the comments below, and/or directly thru Twitter by a Mention or Public Reply to @LivingStardust.

Thank you for participating,

Protected: Project Insight, Question 5: Overpopulation

January 17, 2011 Enter your password to view comments.

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Love in Equation

You + Me + Drama – Effort = (Us/Distance)(“Love” + Hate)^2- Respect = Error.

Two New Tabs!/Pages!

While messing around with the site settings I came across the “Page” section and voila! Project Insight has a new home.

Up there ^

This being said, Project Insight will be continued under the new tab.

Up there ^

I am oddly, very excited about this, although I haven’t come across a way to move all the Questions from P.I from the Home Page to the P.I Page.

If you have any idea how, don’t be a stranger and help me out!


Project Z

November 2, 2010 2 comments

PROJECT Z: CONFINEMENT is a novel I’m writing. It’s based around the area which I live in, but will have a storyline anyone could relate to (regardless of geographical setting)

Here’s the first Chapter, feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you think, constructive criticism is always welcome!

Read more…

Maria Zouroudis

It's not about being shameless. It's about being FEARLESS. -Maria Zouroudis/@Maria Zouroudis

Music is a universal language.

One of which, through the passing of the years, I have had the pleasure and privilege of becoming more fond of and fluent in.

With an open mind I was searching through YouTube one day and came across a music video for a cover version of Rihanna’s widely popular “Don’t Stop The Music”. As the guitar opened up the song, I walked to my kitchen to raid the fridge, and the voice that followed the guitar’s acoustic beat swept up any doubts I’ve ever had for song covers. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact time that’s gone by since, but (approximately) a bit over a year and a half later, after conversations now and then and the accustomed “Hello’s” every so often, I had the privilege of attending a gig held by that very same melodious voice.

What a night.

There’s certain aspects of life that we tend to enjoy more than others. That’s a given.

The little things (“little” only relative to 6.7 billion different lifestyles and points of view) are the ones that I tend to (or at least try) to enjoy the most.

A smile, or a conversation, or a hug. All those gifts we often take for granted.

In my life, my little piece of bliss is getting to share my stories with people, and hear theirs. To share a bond, through a conversation, or through a situation, with someone. With anyone.

You’ve been one to give me that little corner bliss and to share the space.

Through social media the world has both shrunken and expanded, in the sense that now that we’re all a click away, we can communicate with anyone, anywhere. In response to the fusion of these technologies and the art that is music, it’s become progressively easier for life stories to be told and shared, and new ones to be made.

Thank you for the smiles, the conversations, and the helloes, the advice, the suggestions, and more.

It’s all meant the world and continues to be so.


Julian Gomez

October 28, 2010 1 comment

Julian Gomez/@ItTakesII



You were one of the first to leave your personal opinions on the Project Insight questions. You’ve taken the time to read what I have to say and I appreciate it greatly. I’ve been watching your YouTube channel since last year’s Project For Awesome, and I’m glad that I found you on Twitter and even more so that we talk now and then. I can’t wait for your next video, and hopefully we’ll get a chance to meet up over some Starbucks someday.

Thank you,


Myles Dyer


"Welcome to my world, where all have the chance to inspire" - Myles Dyer/@blade376


Where do I begin?

(I apologize for the jumbled and messy order of these thoughts, but I’m typing them on my cellphone as they flow out so bear with me)

I’ve watched your YouTube videos from the very firsts about 4 years ago, even back when MySpace was popular!

Whether they were uploads of your thoughts and ideas, or collabs with Charlie McDonnell (known to most as charlieissocoollike on YouTube), I always found them interesting and close to home because you made them around the same time when I was considering making a YouTube account and committing myself to making videos and getting my thoughts and opinions out there. For one reason or another, I never went through  with it, but I did follow closely to your achievements and experiments, through LiveJournal and others. From the start I could tell  that we were going through some of the same triumphs and failures, and so I stayed tuned. At one point, I decided to reach you through MySpace, never expecting a reply a day after.

It’s been about 4 years since that first message, and I’m still tuned in. Words simply don’t express what your help meant to me through the storm I was going through, regardless whether you help knowingly through taking time out of your day to contact me or unknowingly through your videos and posts.

 You Are Not Alone and Time Can Be A Healer both led to great turning points in my personality and way of thinking, to the point where I felt I would no longer take anything for granted. Your humour and perseverance are a great example of the type of person I want to grow into.

Though you’re caught up in 1,000 different events and activities, you’ve still made time to talk to your friends and supporters, and I appreciate that. The reply on Facebook in September was the push I needed. I could write for days about every instance in which your unique way of seeing life and situations has put me to think and reconsider, but I know you’re an extremely busy guy so I’ll cut it short here.

I hope all is going well and that things start looking up soon.

Thank you for everything throughout these years, Myles, it’s meant more than words and time limit me to explain.



“Fall nine, Rise ten…”